As the death-grip loosens on this heat wave and we can all let out a long needed sigh of relief, we must remember the long term effects of this suffocating summer. Plants and trees have been lost and many will continue to be stressed until the rains come again. Populations in wildlife will plummet and take many years to return to normal. The soil has been deprived of water for so long that we will need torrential, flooding downpours to return it to its average saturation levels. Grasses and forbs that our livestock feed on are gone, forcing ranchers to sell off whole herds just to break even. The ever present threat of wildfire has reared its ugly head this summer, not soon to be forgotten. And most importantly, our lakes, rivers and aquifers are at alarmingly low levels.
I hope the 'take away' from this whole season for folks living in Central Texas, or all of Texas for that matter, is that water is the most precious natural resource we have. Without it, life would cease to exist. For those of us living in Texas, water cannot be taken for granted anymore, there are simply too many of us that depend on it. We, as Texans, can be sure of one thing...this type of weather pattern WILL repeat itself. Sooner than later, no doubt. Conservation is a choice we all need to pledge ourselves to. All of us must be mindful on our water usage no matter how mundane it may seem. It does add up.
One could certainly get political here and discuss future tax hikes on water, innovative water technology and conservation ideology, well drilling restrictions, industrial water consumption ect., ect. There are as many questions and concerns as points of view. But I ask each of you, 'what are YOU doing in your life to address this issue?' Think about it.
Now, just because you don't wash your car one month does that mean you can save a few acres of oaks? No. But what if 1000 people didn't wash their cars for several months? Think of all that water that could be used for something life sustaining. And no, golf courses are NOT life sustaining (- : Or, the next time you brush your teeth leave the water ON. Yes, that's right, leave it on. Fill up a bowl of water and then put it outside for the birds to drink. Wildlife, especially in Central Texas this year, are having to travel further and further away from their home ranges in order to locate water and food. This causes stress and population declines.
Or in the Spring, when you think about re-landscaping your yard, plant only native Texas heat tolerant species that require very little water. Lawns and gardens are the heaviest outlets for water usage for urban dwellers.
We've all heard it before: reduce, reuse, recycle. Pretty simple.
Conserving water by consuming less, wasting less and re-using more reduces costs and postpones or eliminates the need for expensive and environmentally damaging new dams or similar water projects. As well, water conservation is a cost effective way to meet increased water demands. A study by the LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) surveyed various methods of procuring additional water, including de-salination of brackish water in area aquifers, piping water in from an East Texas aquifer, building new reservoirs on the Colorado river and dredging the Highland Lakes to provide more storage. The LCRA determined that each of these is substantially more expensive on a per acre-foot basis, than investing in an additional water conservation program.
The results of such a program are best illustrated by our neighbor to the south, the city of San Antonio. In less than 20 years, San Antonio lowered water usage, per capita, from 225 gallons per day to 130, through an aggressive water conservation plan involving a rebate program. For every $ spent on conservation, San Antonio saved $3 it would have spent on buying, treating and redistributing water.
And just in case you'd like to compare numbers, the most recent studies I found showed Dallas at the head of the pack at 244 gallons per day, Round Rock at 206 gpd, Ft. Worth at 192, Austin at 172 and San Marcos at 124.
As many of you know, I myself utilize a rainwater catchment system on my house. Of course, when it doesn't rain, the only thing I catch is dust. Early last month I was forced to purchase 1500 gallons of city water to put into my cistern, something I hadn't had to do in 2 and a half years. I will be receiving another delivery next week. After doing some basic arithmetic, I discovered that I utilized, on average 28.8 gallons a day. Now, full disclosure, I had to 'break-up' with my garden this summer early on ( I was giving so much and getting nothing outta' that relationship) so I saved quite a bit of water there. Being on a catchment system forces you to be very connected with your water supply and very aware of your water usage. I'm constantly discovering new ways to save 'just a little bit more'.
Climate models project that Central Texas will receive less rainfall in coming decades, as well as the tributaries to the west and northwest that feed our rivers. Furthermore, the amount of water loss due to evaporation is projected to increase as average temperatures rise. Add that gloomy statistic to the report that the Texas population is projected to double by 2060, one can see the potential for disaster. For the record, the populations in the five county Austin area (Bastrop,Caldwell,Hays,Travis and Williamson) grew by over 40% from 2000-2010. That's some rapid growth, folks.
I know many of you have received recent rains. Cousin Julie in New Braunfels informed me of some good soakings that passed through last week. As well, friends and family in Ft. Worth told me of storms that brought rain too. Unfortunately, Rockmoor received virtually nothing from these passing clouds and it is as dry as ever here. And it goes without saying the fire danger is still extremely high. So please be reminded as you visit Rockmoor in the coming months to be very cautious. Something as innocuous as a charcoal grill or driving your truck in an open field of tall grass can have disastrous results now. We will need several good rains before the burn ban is lifted.
On a happy note, today is indeed the first day of Autumn! (September 23) and we can all look forward to some much needed cooler temps.
Until next time,
Sally Anne
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