Thursday, August 4, 2011
One of a kind
Several years ago when I was searching for a site to build my house on I was keeping in mind things like: close to an existing road, near power lines, flat spot, good drainage, ect., ect. I wasn't thinking diversity of trees. Well, maybe I was hoping the area had something beside cedars. A nice giant live oak or pecan would have been ideal but since those are more likely to flourish near a streambed I was going to have to settle for a lesser tree, such as a red oak or shin oak. (our easement restrictions forbid construction, rightfully so, near a water source) A lovely red oak is certainly a beauty to behold, especially in the fall. However, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I had chosen a spot at Rockmoor that happened to be the home of the biggest madrone tree on the property(at least in my scouting around)
The Texas Madrone(arbutus texana) is one of the loveliest, native ornamentals in the state. And it happens to be quite rare. While it lacks the ubiquity of our state tree, the pecan, and the grandeur of an old growth live oak it makes up in attention grabbing beauty. It is truly a welcome sight in a sea of cedar in the Hill Country. It is a multi trunked, 20-30 foot, evergreen tree, that favors the moist rocky soils and limestone based caliche of the Edwards Plateau. The thick, papery,peeling bark of the tree is its most distinguishing characteristic, for it reveals a polished red inner bark. In my 'Native Plants of Texas' book by Sally and Andy Wasowski, it is noted the change in bark begins each fall "when old skins peel away to reveal the soft cream colored new bark. The color then changes to peach to coral to Indian Red to chocolate and then peels away to start the process over".
Not only is the bark an eye catching attribute, but each Spring it blooms tiny bell shaped white blossoms that scent the air with a wonderful fragrance. Followed in the fall by bright, glowing orange/red edible berries. Birds of many species savor the delectable berries as do other wildlife. The berries are edible to humans as well, reportedly rich in vitamin C and zinc. Deer will even browse the dark green leathery foliage. I heard the young madrone referred to as 'deer candy'.
Botanically speaking, the madrone is a member of the Heath family, Ericanae. As such, it is related to blueberries, cranberries and azaleas. The Texas Madrone is one of more than a half-dozen species of madrones found primarily in California, New Mexico, the Mediterranean, Mexico and Guatemala. The Texas version is considered by many to be the same as the Mexican species which derive its name from the latin word, 'arbutus' meaning 'strawberry tree'.
Many scientists consider the Texas madrone to be a 'relict', or a species from an earlier time that managed to survive even after the surrounding environment had undergone significant change. Which is easily believable to me, being that the madrone looks unlike any other tree in Texas I've seen.
Because the inner layer of bark has such a smooth, pinkish, red/brown appearance the madrone earned many nicknames over time, some rather humorous. Most notably, Naked Indian tree and Lady's Leg. In Mexico the madrone is often referred to as Manzanita.
The wood is hard and heavy, but actually rather brittle and not very durable. Historically, the wood was used in making tool handles, stirrups, mine timbers and such. The Kickapoo Indians favored the madrone wood to make their deer calls. The tree's striking bark, which is high in tannins, was once very much valued in the tanning industry. In Mexico, both the leaves and bark were used at one time as astringents and diuretics. The roots were used in dyes as well. The 'Useful Wild Plants of Texas' book mentions the Tarahumara Indians of northern Mexico, using the berries of the madrone to produce and alcoholic beverage called 'tesguino' and using the fragrant blossoms to flavor their tortillas.
If you'd like to plant a madrone in your backyard so you can harvest your own berries for some homemade tesguino, think again. The madrone is notoriously difficult to transplant, much less germinate from seed. I read about one study that started out with 10,000 madrone seeds planted in carefully controlled greenhouse conditions. Only 2, of the 10,000 seeds germinated and became established. Madrone seedlings require very exacting soil and moisture requirements. Too little water at the outset and too much water later can spell doom for the madrone. Efforts at transplanting are difficult in part, it is thought, to the tree's tiny fibrous root system. As a result, madrones remain uncommon in most parts of our state and next to impossible to find at a local nursery. I did, however, learn of a fellow in Kerrville that specializes in madrones and has actually been very successful in propagating them.
The madrone grows extremely slow and can take over a century to attain an adult height of 20-30 feet. The one by my house has two 28" trunks that reach close to 20 feet tall, with a canopy spread of about 30 feet. The Texas Forest Service records the state champions as a 27 footer with a 38 foot canopy and 93" trunk, as well as a 45 footer, with 30 foot canopy and 70 inch girth. Both of these trees reside in the Chisos Mountains of Big Bend, where I have seen many large madrones before. They actually are able to flourish at altitudes of up to 3000 feet.
Kevin, our land manager with the City of Austin Wildlands Division, once told me that where you see a big madrone there are usually smaller ones within a short distance on the same elevation. I have been unable to find any documented studies of this claim. However...there are indeed about 6 smaller madrone trees within a short distance of the 'mother' tree. I've also explored the areas around other madrones on the property and have found the same to be true. Kevin has mentioned to me many times that madrones are "very special trees worth keeping an eye on and protecting." He reminded me of how very lucky Rockmoor is to be home to this rare, beautiful tree.
With that in mind, this 'no-end-in-sight' drought has me concerned for the well being of my big madrone behind my house. Several smaller limbs have died and the leaves are most definitely showing signs of stress. Although the madrone is extremely heat tolerant, this year's record breaking heat is taking its toll. I will most certainly have to start watering soon. But then I am reminded of the drought of 1950(much worse than current condition) and suppose my madrone was around then and it survived.
Till next time,
Stay cool and pray for rain.
Sally Anne
one of a kind
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