Thursday, November 10, 2011

The cedar choppers

On the first day of my Wildland Firefighter certification class, my instructor, a good 'ol boy from the piney woods of East Texas, stated very matter-of-factly in his thick Texas drawl, "Ever'time a cedar angel gits its wangs." The class let out a chuckle, none as loud as me. It's no secret that cedar (ashe juniper) is no friend to the firefighter. Drought stricken stands of Hill Country cedar are akin to crumpled up pieces of aged, dry newspaper whose leaves, once lit, are like little flaming puffy clouds that drift effortlessly in the sky on the slightest of breezes. They ride the air current to another cedar, hundreds, if not thousands, of feet away, light up and repeat the process.
Firefighters aren't the only ones not enamored with this tough little tree. Ranchers hate them. They continuously sprout up in their fields where their livestock graze overtaking the native grasses they feed on. Cattle won't feed on cedar. Nor will whitetail deer for that matter, unless starving. Goats may be about the only critter that will savor the leaves with gusto.
Then you have all the folks that claim cedar is depleting the aquifer of precious water, an argument that is debatable. And let's not forget the allergy suffers who are tormented every year by the cedar pollen that wafts in the air as a fine yellow mist seemingly clinging to everyone and everything.
So with all the unfavorable views facing cedar it's difficult to believe that at one time there was a group of hardy folks that truly loved it. It was their livelihood, their 'bread and butter' if you will. They are a small, almost forgettable, chapter in Central Texas history. They are the cedar choppers.
Cedar choppers, as the term simply suggests, chopped cedar for a living. These were sturdy folks that had grown up learning how to make a living from the land. It was no surprise they discovered a way to take advantage of a quickly renewable resource that proliferated all over the Texas Hill Country in the late 1800's.
First to arrive were the 'charcoal burners'. These folks figured out a way to manipulate cedar into charcoal. The charcoal was in great demand back in the day as it was used to heat stoves and flatirons.
"The charcoal burners chopped green cedars, stripped the bark away and stacked the poles pyramid style in a pit or kiln. They left a hole in the top, tepee style, for the smoke to escape and then covered the wood with dirt. A fire was lit at the bottom of the kiln and then closed as the cedar smoldered for three or four days, until it was charred to perfection. The charcoal was then loaded onto wagons and sold in towns. It was slow, tedious work and the market was variable, but if the cotton or corn crops failed, charcoal was always money in the pocket"
The charcoal burners eventually became full time cedar choppers as the demand for charcoal waned. The advent of the Model T truck allowed people to harvest and haul their own cedar for making charcoal without relying on the charcoal burners. As well as the fact that folks slowly discontinued using charcoal to heat their stoves and flatirons. But more importantly, the invention and proliferation of barbed wire on the prairies arrived on the scene and the demand for cedar posts on which to attach this innovative fencing material increased most rapidly. Barbed wire in quantity was first made available in Texas in the 1880's. Thus helping facilitate the rapid enclosure of the vast open prairie land.(barbed wire has a fascinating history, believe it or not, and revolutionized a whole way of life-perhaps a future blog entry) So the use of fence posts on the plains and the demand to clear cedar from large ranches greatly expanded the market for folks chopping cedar.
Cedar fencing was certainly used prior to the introduction of barbed wire just not as efficiently. One early traveler noted, "From Bastrop to Austin the common mode of making fences(in 1855) was by planting cedar posts in a trench about eight inches deep, sinking in a picket deeper than the others at regular distances and binding the whole together at the top by nailing a strong piece of cedar on the tops of the pickets. The fence was not handsome, but it was quite durable." I may disagree with it not being 'handsome' but certainly know it to be durable , as the traveler noted. The construction method he is describing can be found at Rockmoor's barn area. I've been told that the Rockmoor barn was constructed in the late 1800's (anyone know differently?) so it is truly amazing to see that fence, for the most part, is still standing upright after 120 years or so.
However, barbed wire was faster and easier to erect without nearly as much effort. Thus the old cedar railing fences became a thing of the past. So naturally, the charcoal burners turned their endeavors to solely chopping and harvesting cedar for a living as there were endless miles of fenceline in Texas at the turn of the century.
Now, if you've ever had the opportunity to swing an axe and chop wood the 'old fashioned way' then you know how exhausting it can be. There were no gas operated chainsaws at this time, remember. Chopping wood with an axe is extremely physical work that requires a sound, sturdy stature. Imagine chopping cedar all day, every day. The cedar choppers got a reputation as tough folks; loners who lived deep in the woods with their families only coming to town to sell the fruits of their labors. One writer described as this, "The chopper who cuts and lives in the cedar is as true a mountaineer as his forefathers, who perhaps hailed from the Ozarks or the Blue Ridge Mountains in pioneer days. He has not been noticeably touched by what is known as present day civilization. He is a hardy specimen. His days in the open have hardened his muscles and given a healthy glow to his usually unshaven face...He reads very little...He lives in a small world, confined to the particular brakes where he cuts cedar, and including the families of the other choppers."
Ironically enough, the term 'cedar chopper' is sometimes used as a slur, akin to calling someone a 'redneck, hick or a hillbilly'. (apologies to all you rednecks out there Ha!) One historian explained the animosity towards the cedar chopper as a form of jealousy. That people envied the cedar choppers 'freedom from convention' and they were apt to call him lazy as he made his own hours, worked when he pleased and answered to no one. (and obviously anyone calling a cedar chopper lazy has never swung an axe) A cedar chopper was an independent contractor of sorts; paid for his product not his labor. So if a cedar chopper was inclined to work only half a day, well, he could.

There's a wonderful story written by Texas folklorist/naturalist Roy Bedichek, a contemporary and friend of J Frank Dobie, who writes about an encounter with an aging cedar chopper on one of his many solo camping trips in the Hill Country. Bedichek describes his physical stature in remarkable detail. "...the veins were as big as lead pencils or whipcords, and in the swinging of the arms these hard, huge, purplish blood vessels stretched and slipped under the skin...I noticed his hands, immense, bony and enormously veined over the backs and interiorly curved to fit an ax handle. The fingers looked as though they could never be straightened at all, and were hard enough to crack a seed tick...He told me that he couldn't do anything but cut cedar since that was all he had ever done except farm a little. I found that he was 86 years old and that here in this locality his father had put him to cutting cedar when he was only ten."
He went on to explain to Bedichek that a neighbor of his, 88 years old, had finally stopped cutting cedar and retired. Then the man promptly died. So the old cedar chopper confessed to Bedichek that it was 'better to do something".

As I hike around Rockmoor I notice the cuts to our cedar. Most are made by a chainsaw, a clean, straight cut, some very recent, some much older. But every so often, as I venture deep into the brakes of cedar I'll come upon an old, time worn tree and notice the cuts as jagged, axe hewn chops made by a human powered tool. I'll often wonder if it was made by a youthful Uncle Dee harvesting up posts for a load to mend a fence. Or perhaps older than that, maybe by his father, my great-great grandfather, Samuel to sell in town. Either way, it's very satisfying to notice such subtle clues scattered about this piece of land that hint to the grand history of days long gone.
As the days get cooler and shorter and I venture outside with my chainsaw to 'slay' the tree that encroaches a little bit more with each passing year, I can't help but be reminded of my ancestors and their relationship with this native Texas tree. I cut the cedar down because I see it as threat to my home and property, perfect fuel for the flames of a wildfire. While the industrious folks that lived on this land before me cut the cedar for profit and practical construction. But we both know the smell of the cedar, the sticky sap of a young cedar on your skin as you handle it, the sharp prickles at the ends of the leaves that force one to wear gloves and the sweet aroma of the smoke when you burn it. That'll never change.

So my conflicted, love/hate relationship with the cedar endures. But my respect for this tree continues as does my admiration for the simple, practical, hardworking pioneers of the Central Texas cedar brakes who carved out a living working the land.

'Till next time.

Sally Anne

* "The Cedar Chopper" by Walter J Cartwright, an essay that appeared in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 70, July 1966 was used as a reference. As well, 'Adventures With A Texas Naturalist" (1947) by Roy Bedichek is one of may all time favorite works about Texas natural history and his story "Cedar Cutter" is worth checking out.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.....Duh.

As the death-grip loosens on this heat wave and we can all let out a long needed sigh of relief, we must remember the long term effects of this suffocating summer. Plants and trees have been lost and many will continue to be stressed until the rains come again. Populations in wildlife will plummet and take many years to return to normal. The soil has been deprived of water for so long that we will need torrential, flooding downpours to return it to its average saturation levels. Grasses and forbs that our livestock feed on are gone, forcing ranchers to sell off whole herds just to break even. The ever present threat of wildfire has reared its ugly head this summer, not soon to be forgotten. And most importantly, our lakes, rivers and aquifers are at alarmingly low levels.
I hope the 'take away' from this whole season for folks living in Central Texas, or all of Texas for that matter, is that water is the most precious natural resource we have. Without it, life would cease to exist. For those of us living in Texas, water cannot be taken for granted anymore, there are simply too many of us that depend on it. We, as Texans, can be sure of one thing...this type of weather pattern WILL repeat itself. Sooner than later, no doubt. Conservation is a choice we all need to pledge ourselves to. All of us must be mindful on our water usage no matter how mundane it may seem. It does add up.
One could certainly get political here and discuss future tax hikes on water, innovative water technology and conservation ideology, well drilling restrictions, industrial water consumption ect., ect. There are as many questions and concerns as points of view. But I ask each of you, 'what are YOU doing in your life to address this issue?' Think about it.
Now, just because you don't wash your car one month does that mean you can save a few acres of oaks? No. But what if 1000 people didn't wash their cars for several months? Think of all that water that could be used for something life sustaining. And no, golf courses are NOT life sustaining (- : Or, the next time you brush your teeth leave the water ON. Yes, that's right, leave it on. Fill up a bowl of water and then put it outside for the birds to drink. Wildlife, especially in Central Texas this year, are having to travel further and further away from their home ranges in order to locate water and food. This causes stress and population declines.
Or in the Spring, when you think about re-landscaping your yard, plant only native Texas heat tolerant species that require very little water. Lawns and gardens are the heaviest outlets for water usage for urban dwellers.

We've all heard it before: reduce, reuse, recycle. Pretty simple.

Conserving water by consuming less, wasting less and re-using more reduces costs and postpones or eliminates the need for expensive and environmentally damaging new dams or similar water projects. As well, water conservation is a cost effective way to meet increased water demands. A study by the LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) surveyed various methods of procuring additional water, including de-salination of brackish water in area aquifers, piping water in from an East Texas aquifer, building new reservoirs on the Colorado river and dredging the Highland Lakes to provide more storage. The LCRA determined that each of these is substantially more expensive on a per acre-foot basis, than investing in an additional water conservation program.
The results of such a program are best illustrated by our neighbor to the south, the city of San Antonio. In less than 20 years, San Antonio lowered water usage, per capita, from 225 gallons per day to 130, through an aggressive water conservation plan involving a rebate program. For every $ spent on conservation, San Antonio saved $3 it would have spent on buying, treating and redistributing water.
And just in case you'd like to compare numbers, the most recent studies I found showed Dallas at the head of the pack at 244 gallons per day, Round Rock at 206 gpd, Ft. Worth at 192, Austin at 172 and San Marcos at 124.
As many of you know, I myself utilize a rainwater catchment system on my house. Of course, when it doesn't rain, the only thing I catch is dust. Early last month I was forced to purchase 1500 gallons of city water to put into my cistern, something I hadn't had to do in 2 and a half years. I will be receiving another delivery next week. After doing some basic arithmetic, I discovered that I utilized, on average 28.8 gallons a day. Now, full disclosure, I had to 'break-up' with my garden this summer early on ( I was giving so much and getting nothing outta' that relationship) so I saved quite a bit of water there. Being on a catchment system forces you to be very connected with your water supply and very aware of your water usage. I'm constantly discovering new ways to save 'just a little bit more'.

Climate models project that Central Texas will receive less rainfall in coming decades, as well as the tributaries to the west and northwest that feed our rivers. Furthermore, the amount of water loss due to evaporation is projected to increase as average temperatures rise. Add that gloomy statistic to the report that the Texas population is projected to double by 2060, one can see the potential for disaster. For the record, the populations in the five county Austin area (Bastrop,Caldwell,Hays,Travis and Williamson) grew by over 40% from 2000-2010. That's some rapid growth, folks.

I know many of you have received recent rains. Cousin Julie in New Braunfels informed me of some good soakings that passed through last week. As well, friends and family in Ft. Worth told me of storms that brought rain too. Unfortunately, Rockmoor received virtually nothing from these passing clouds and it is as dry as ever here. And it goes without saying the fire danger is still extremely high. So please be reminded as you visit Rockmoor in the coming months to be very cautious. Something as innocuous as a charcoal grill or driving your truck in an open field of tall grass can have disastrous results now. We will need several good rains before the burn ban is lifted.

On a happy note, today is indeed the first day of Autumn! (September 23) and we can all look forward to some much needed cooler temps.

Until next time,

Sally Anne

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One of a kind

Several years ago when I was searching for a site to build my house on I was keeping in mind things like: close to an existing road, near power lines, flat spot, good drainage, ect., ect. I wasn't thinking diversity of trees. Well, maybe I was hoping the area had something beside cedars. A nice giant live oak or pecan would have been ideal but since those are more likely to flourish near a streambed I was going to have to settle for a lesser tree, such as a red oak or shin oak. (our easement restrictions forbid construction, rightfully so, near a water source) A lovely red oak is certainly a beauty to behold, especially in the fall. However, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I had chosen a spot at Rockmoor that happened to be the home of the biggest madrone tree on the property(at least in my scouting around)
The Texas Madrone(arbutus texana) is one of the loveliest, native ornamentals in the state. And it happens to be quite rare. While it lacks the ubiquity of our state tree, the pecan, and the grandeur of an old growth live oak it makes up in attention grabbing beauty. It is truly a welcome sight in a sea of cedar in the Hill Country. It is a multi trunked, 20-30 foot, evergreen tree, that favors the moist rocky soils and limestone based caliche of the Edwards Plateau. The thick, papery,peeling bark of the tree is its most distinguishing characteristic, for it reveals a polished red inner bark. In my 'Native Plants of Texas' book by Sally and Andy Wasowski, it is noted the change in bark begins each fall "when old skins peel away to reveal the soft cream colored new bark. The color then changes to peach to coral to Indian Red to chocolate and then peels away to start the process over".
Not only is the bark an eye catching attribute, but each Spring it blooms tiny bell shaped white blossoms that scent the air with a wonderful fragrance. Followed in the fall by bright, glowing orange/red edible berries. Birds of many species savor the delectable berries as do other wildlife. The berries are edible to humans as well, reportedly rich in vitamin C and zinc. Deer will even browse the dark green leathery foliage. I heard the young madrone referred to as 'deer candy'.
Botanically speaking, the madrone is a member of the Heath family, Ericanae. As such, it is related to blueberries, cranberries and azaleas. The Texas Madrone is one of more than a half-dozen species of madrones found primarily in California, New Mexico, the Mediterranean, Mexico and Guatemala. The Texas version is considered by many to be the same as the Mexican species which derive its name from the latin word, 'arbutus' meaning 'strawberry tree'.
Many scientists consider the Texas madrone to be a 'relict', or a species from an earlier time that managed to survive even after the surrounding environment had undergone significant change. Which is easily believable to me, being that the madrone looks unlike any other tree in Texas I've seen.
Because the inner layer of bark has such a smooth, pinkish, red/brown appearance the madrone earned many nicknames over time, some rather humorous. Most notably, Naked Indian tree and Lady's Leg. In Mexico the madrone is often referred to as Manzanita.
The wood is hard and heavy, but actually rather brittle and not very durable. Historically, the wood was used in making tool handles, stirrups, mine timbers and such. The Kickapoo Indians favored the madrone wood to make their deer calls. The tree's striking bark, which is high in tannins, was once very much valued in the tanning industry. In Mexico, both the leaves and bark were used at one time as astringents and diuretics. The roots were used in dyes as well. The 'Useful Wild Plants of Texas' book mentions the Tarahumara Indians of northern Mexico, using the berries of the madrone to produce and alcoholic beverage called 'tesguino' and using the fragrant blossoms to flavor their tortillas.
If you'd like to plant a madrone in your backyard so you can harvest your own berries for some homemade tesguino, think again. The madrone is notoriously difficult to transplant, much less germinate from seed. I read about one study that started out with 10,000 madrone seeds planted in carefully controlled greenhouse conditions. Only 2, of the 10,000 seeds germinated and became established. Madrone seedlings require very exacting soil and moisture requirements. Too little water at the outset and too much water later can spell doom for the madrone. Efforts at transplanting are difficult in part, it is thought, to the tree's tiny fibrous root system. As a result, madrones remain uncommon in most parts of our state and next to impossible to find at a local nursery. I did, however, learn of a fellow in Kerrville that specializes in madrones and has actually been very successful in propagating them.
The madrone grows extremely slow and can take over a century to attain an adult height of 20-30 feet. The one by my house has two 28" trunks that reach close to 20 feet tall, with a canopy spread of about 30 feet. The Texas Forest Service records the state champions as a 27 footer with a 38 foot canopy and 93" trunk, as well as a 45 footer, with 30 foot canopy and 70 inch girth. Both of these trees reside in the Chisos Mountains of Big Bend, where I have seen many large madrones before. They actually are able to flourish at altitudes of up to 3000 feet.
Kevin, our land manager with the City of Austin Wildlands Division, once told me that where you see a big madrone there are usually smaller ones within a short distance on the same elevation. I have been unable to find any documented studies of this claim. However...there are indeed about 6 smaller madrone trees within a short distance of the 'mother' tree. I've also explored the areas around other madrones on the property and have found the same to be true. Kevin has mentioned to me many times that madrones are "very special trees worth keeping an eye on and protecting." He reminded me of how very lucky Rockmoor is to be home to this rare, beautiful tree.
With that in mind, this 'no-end-in-sight' drought has me concerned for the well being of my big madrone behind my house. Several smaller limbs have died and the leaves are most definitely showing signs of stress. Although the madrone is extremely heat tolerant, this year's record breaking heat is taking its toll. I will most certainly have to start watering soon. But then I am reminded of the drought of 1950(much worse than current condition) and suppose my madrone was around then and it survived.

Till next time,
Stay cool and pray for rain.

Sally Anne

Thursday, June 30, 2011

First time visitor at Rockmoor

I've lived in Austin long enough to know how uniquely 'weird' it is. There are so many quirky, odd aspects of this city that truly make it one-of-a-kind. For the past few years, I've heard this tale of 'wild tropical parrots' that dwell in the downtown area and are often spotted by delightfully surprised onlookers. Being an amateur birder myself and having never seen one of these wild 'parrots' I thought perhaps I had fallen prey to another urban legend. Several friends of mine swore that, no!, they did indeed exist and can be spotted with a sharp eye all over town. I had pretty much given up on finding this exotic feathered creature. Until Monday.
I have a morning ritual that includes feeding the chickens and dogs, watering the garden, and filling up the various bird feeders I keep. Usually when I go out to fill up the bird feeders all my feathered friends fly away in a panic thinking me some giant raptor that is going to attack them. I have about ten different species of avians that frequent my feeders on a regular basis and every so often will find a new, unusual one out there grabbing a snack. So, much to my surprise as I'm pouring birdseed into my tube feeder I look up and gasp. Not even four feet away away from me is an electric, neon green and yellow parakeet!! The kind one sees in a cage as someones beloved pet. What!?? At first I immediately assume it has escaped the confines of a tiny cage and found its' way to my bird sanctuary. Then I recalled the famous 'parrots of Austin' and quickly went inside to consult with my bird books and the ever faithful Internet for a positive ID. After a few minutes of searching, there was no doubt that what I had perched in my cedar tree was indeed a Monk Parakeet. There are, I learn, about 700 of these birds living in and around the downtown area of Austin.
A native of South America, the monk parakeet started appearing in North America in the late sixties. One story I read says that they were imported as pets and a crate of them was dropped and busted open at the Kennedy Airport in New York releasing dozens into the wild. These 'escapees' quickly established a wild population on Long Island. They have been reported in several different states but Florida and Texas are home to the largest populations in North America, with Austin boasting the largest breeding population in the state.
The Austin birds may have come from an intentional release in the late 80's or early 90's. The 'legend' claims a woman named Janet Giles released 19 monk parakeets when they simply became too much for her to take care of, near Zilker Park. And from there the birds began establishing themselves all over the downtown area. According to the Travis Audubon Society, there are about 720 parakeets that live in the Austin area. I've heard about giant nests that they construct. Apparently they build very large, dome-shaped twig nests and are often occupied year round. They nest communally, yet construct separate entrances and chambers for each pair. How cute! A nest 'condo' may house up to 20 pairs of birds, sometimes more.
Many folks keep these birds as pets as they can be very animated, social and apparently good 'talkers'. An ornithologist with Texas Parks and Wildlife states that monk parakeets are on the top ten common caged birds people keep. And under optimal conditions a monk parakeet has a lifespan of 25-30 years. Not as long as a larger parrots(up to 75!) but certainly longer than the family Fido. I read, as well, that in captivity they bond closely with one person and are known for their loyal nature. Which reminds me of my Grandfather's pet parrot Stoop, who was not particularly nice to anyone. Except my Grandfather.
The monk parakeet gets its name, because compared with other parakeets, they are rather 'un-flashy'. Well, you could have fooled me. Because this bird certainly stands out among all the other birds at the feeder including the male Painted Bunting which looks as if he rolled in a rainbow. The Monk Parakeet is most certainly eye catching.
It's quite unusual that this bird has opted to stop by my feeder and bird bath. But even more curious is that he's been here for 5 days! I mean to say, he has not left the cedar tree that the feeders are hanging on. Every single time I look out the window or walk by he's still there just perched. He must be amused by all the avian activity that goes on out here. (And that fact that he has an endless supply of water and seed) Perhaps he just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and decided to take some vacation in the Hill Country at Rockmoor Bird Sanctuary. Where the feeders always full and the bird bath never runs dry.
I'll keep everyone posted on our little green friend and report if I find any macaws or pelicans in the near future.

Sally Anne

Friday, June 10, 2011

Drought. And critters.

If you follow this blog, then you're aware that I haven't posted in a while. I was hoping to have a second installment of the 'Wildflower Report' a few weeks ago. However, as I patiently awaited the Spring rains to arrive I began having a sinking feeling that La Nina wasn't about to let that happen. The second round of wildflowers never really materialized. According to the National Drought Monitor almost over half of Texas is experiencing 'Exceptional' drought conditions. The 'Exceptional' category is the most severe. It follows 'Extreme' if that puts it into perspective. 75% of all Texas counties are under burn bans.
The Hill Country is not faring well at all. Along with lack of rain, temperatures this Spring have been running much warmer than normal. Soil moisture is very low, stock pond levels are dropping at an alarming rate and evaporation rates are very high. The long range weather forecast indicates rainfall will likely remain below normal through Spring and early Summer as the storm track generally stays to the North of Texas (good news for all you Ft. Worth/Dallas folks)
Even if wetter conditions return as a result of increased tropical storms this summer, I've read we would need to see more than 5-6 inches of rain to just saturate the ground enough to have any significant runoff.
The Texas Forest Service and area fire departments have responded to over 9000 wildfires this 'fire season' that have burned more than 2.2 million acres and destroyed 400 homes. And just this morning, it was announced that the City of Austin has officially cancelled their Fourth of July fireworks display over Lady Bird Lake in downtown Austin, something that has never happened in the 35 years the city has been putting the event on. In fact, all public firework display permits have been denied.
Last week, the private land adjacent to the Travis County Park I work at caught on fire due to a faulty insulator on a utility line and burned over 200 acres, including some in the Park. The land is remote with little road infrastructure, not unlike parts of Rockmoor, and was difficult to control due to the challenge of accessing the flames. Two helicopters doing water drops, over 15 fire vehicles and members of the Texas Forest Service, with three giant bulldozers in tow, were called in to tackle the fire.
As if the Oak Hill fire earlier in the Spring wasn't enough to scare me, witnessing this wildfire up close really hit close to home. The dry junipers and water starved grasses are like gasoline awaiting even the tiniest spark to set it aflame. So very dangerous right now.

On a lighter note, this severe drought has also created quite another annoyance for me and my two loyal canine friends. My dogs have been suffering through a flea infestation like no other I have ever seen. Many dollars on preventative medications, flea shampoos and consultations to the vet have only recently helped the situation. My vet says she has never seen a flea season this bad. Ever. She explained that the drought has brought more wildlife closer to humans. These wild animals are seeking water and, most often, bring fleas with them that we would otherwise never see. Interesting concept, certainly makes sense to me.

I have certainly seen an increase in nocturnal visits to my garden recently and whatever it is fancies the green leaves of my pepper plants. I rabbit-proofed my garden several years back and hadn't had a problem until a few weeks ago. It appears a very hungry rabbit/rabbits are seeking out anything leafy with moisture and my garden has suddenly become the hot spot for succulent greens. Which is sad, because my peppers, a very heat tolerant plant, look as if they are dying every morning when I give them water. These are desperate rabbits if they have succumbed to nibbling on dry pepper leaves.

I've also noticed an increase in snake activity around my place. Don't worry, not any 'bad' snakes. Yet. Several rat snakes have been in close proximity of my house. Just this morning I received quite a scare as I discovered a rat snake inside the little wooden dollhouse next to my front door(!) (for inquiring minds the snake preferred the 'loft' of the dollhouse as opposed to the first floor) I've no doubt that he had either already consumed the frog that lounges carefree in the dog's water bowl every evening or he had a sinister plan to join the frog for a dip when the sun went down. I guess I'll find out tonight if Mr. Frog is a no-show.

Anyone that has seen my chicken coop knows how much attention I paid to building it and making certain there were no holes big enough for a snake to get in and steal my eggs. Or worse! So last week, I noticed a big critter, most likely a raccoon, had tried to dig his way in under the entrance door, the only place on the whole coop that doesn't have wire buried underneath. Smart raccoon. Anyway, he pulled away a small piece of tin and moved a sizable rock that was blocking the gap. I suppose after a while he realized how futile his efforts were and gave up on dining on a chicken. That's the good news. The bad news is, he left a big gap for another, slithering critter, to get in. So once again, I got quite a start when I went into the coop last week to gather my morning eggs and there was a checkered garter snake just hanging out amongst the birds waiting for an egg to drop. Being the resourceful country gal I like to think I am, I grabbed the biggest barbecue tongs I could find, a five gallon bucket and some gloves. Voila! Snake outta' the coop. Apparently however, the snake must have really bonded with his new-found feather friends because he tried, in vain, to re-enter the coop for about 15 minutes after I released him. I observed him intently to make sure he didn't find some nook or cranny I had overlooked. Finally he slithered off without an egg snack.

It's a virtual wildlife show around here.

It's truly amazing to me that my chickens even lay eggs in this persistent heat. I've taken to bringing them a big chunk of ice everyday (a gallon water container cut in half and frozen in the freezer the night before) and they just LOVE it! They peck at it non-stop and then settle in next to it to cool off. It eventually melts and they have cool water to drink.

So who knows what critter/critters will visit my house in the coming weeks in search of water or food. If only it would rain! My outside thermometer, in the shade nonetheless, reads 99.1 at this moment. And just for the record, Summer doesn't even start until June 21st. Awesome. As well, the Austin area is forcasted triple digits all next week. With no cloud cover.

Anyone have a margarita machine they want to get rid of? Or a snow cone stand? Or a swimming pool?

Till next time,
Stay cool,

Sally Anne

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wildflowers, Part I

If you live in Central Texas and ever venture outside these days, which I certainly hope you do, then you are fully aware that it hasn't rained around here in some time. And... it's rather warm. In fact, if this weather pattern continues until the end of the month (anyone wanna' bet?) then Austin, Texas will have just experienced its' warmest April on record since record keeping began in 1854! The average temperature this month is a whopping 8.4 degrees above normal. And while we're on the topic of numbers and weather, the past 7 month period of October through April will most likely turn out to be the 3rd driest on record, with only 5.31" of rain during that period. Now, if you know me, you know I tend to be a bit obsessed about weather. I'm constantly glued to the weather radar screen like some people are to their favorite TV show. Yes, I wear a wristwatch that indicates barometric pressure drop and temperature. I have three outdoor thermometers, one of them digital and measures relative humidity. I have a rain gauge and a wind vane. Total geek.
Now in my defense, I do work outdoors all day long, every day, with little respite from the elements and like to be informed. My water source at my house comes from whatever the sky feels like sharing and is collected in a tank alongside my home. And I have a righteous garden that is not very happy right now. So, my obsessive/compulsive disorder about weather is understandable.
All this dry, sunny weather is great for outdoor weddings, backyard barbecues and painting your new deck. However, this weather pattern has deprived me and many other nature lovers from one of our favorite things about Spring in the Hill Country. Wildflowers.
The state flower of Texas, the bluebonnet, which was out in full force last Spring has been a virtual no-show this season. I have yet to spot even a single one at Rockmoor this year. In fact I have to really pay attention and look closely to find any wildflowers at all! The good news is, I have found some and want to share them with you. It goes to show that even in a prolonged drought as we are currently in, Texas wildflowers are adaptable and amazingly resilient.
So this is a sampling of what I found at the ranch in the month of April. It's ironic that I found a few Rain Lillies (the white one pictured above) as their fragrant blooms usually only pop open a few days after a heavy rain. We've only had trace amounts of rainfall at Rockmoor this past month. There is a slight chance for rain this coming weekend so I have my fingers crossed.
I'll post more pictures in Part II soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Sally Anne

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Too close for comfort

Hello everyone
Unless you've been living under a 'proverbial' rock these days then you are aware of the remarkable wildfire season the state of Texas is experiencing right now. All but two counties in the state have had significant fires with over a million acres damaged and over 170 homes destroyed. The perfect storm of low humidity, hot, dry weather patterns and high winds have created ideal conditions for wildfires to take over. And take over they have.
If you haven't already learned, the Oak Hill area of Austin experienced a major wildfire outbreak in a subdivision neighborhood last Sunday. Eleven homes were destroyed and twelve more severely damaged. The fire covered more than 100 acres but thankfully no one was injured. Damage has been estimated at 5 million dollars. The neighborhood, near Scenic Brook Dr., off Highway 290 is surrounded by 'urban wildlands', as they are called. Large, dense thickets of cedar and mixed oak woodlands surrounding residential homes. Reports from local media have cited the fire was caused by a homeless man, camping out in the nearby woods, cooking over an open fire. He wasn't paying attention and an ember flew from the fire and caught quickly in the nearby vegetation. The fire then rapidly grew in a matter of minutes and wasn't completely extinguished and 100% contained until 3 days later. In the meantime, the area was evacuated and many families lost their homes.

As the crow flies, this fire was approximately 2 miles away from Rockmoor. It is rather unsettling to stand on one's balcony and see huge clouds of smoke so close to home. And knowing that you are surrounded on all sides by thick cedar breaks which are highly, highly flammable. Reality check.

Travis County saw three other fires on that very same day and resources were pushed to the limits. The following day all Travis County Park employees (of which I am one) were told to refrain from using any big equipment, chainsaws, mowers, ect. to prevent a spark until further notice. The Park that I work at saw a fire just three days before the big one in Oak Hill caused by the spark from a sub-contractor using a welder. It caused about an acre of damage in less than 20 minutes. This sub-contractor was not utilizing the proper safety precautions and the Fire Marshall who arrived on the scene slapped him with a fine that could possibly reach upwards to $30,000 (!!!) The authorities in Travis County are treating the matter fire hazard very, very seriously.

So the moral of this story should go without saying. Please, please be very careful when visiting the ranch this fire season. Travis County has been in a burn ban for a while now and will most likely continue until weather patterns change. Just three weeks ago when I hosted a backyard barbecue for some friends I started a small ambient campfire, like I always do, to have for folks to sit around. After a few minutes of watching the high winds carry off some embers from my tiny fire I decided that this 'was a very bad idea' and decided to put it out. I like to think of myself as some savvy outdoorswoman but that was a bad judgment call on my part.

I shudder at the thought of a fire getting out of control at the ranch. There is really little that we can do. The best defense that we have for a fire is prevention. Hands down. If you are visiting the ranch this season and will be engaging in any activity that has potential for creating a fire just use some common sense and exercise extreme caution. Avoid tossing cigarette butts carelessly, have water close by, have a fire extinguisher handy (and know how to use it!) and have another set of 'eyes' watching out for stray sparks or embers. Better still, just refrain from whatever activity it is that might create a possible fire hazard until we receive some decent rainfall around here.

With that said, stay tuned for 'Wildflower Report' coming soon.
Till then, be safe. And pray for rain!

Sally Anne

*photo G. Dada, Austin American Statesman*